Hey You!  The Fusion Youth team has a Discord open for anyone 13 – 17 to join*
We regularly host gatherings on the Fusion House Discord Server.


**REgistrations Now Open**

Fusion house is like a drop-in space, but online. You can join us in the Family Room, to hang out, find out what this all about, and maybe end up in a game of Smash Karts or Scribbl.io.

Sometimes we might drag you into the Bunker, a recording studio where we’ll create stuff for Fusion Radio or our Insta. On special occasions we tidy up the Board Game Room and let people in to play Uno, Scrabble or whatever else we can find in the online board game cupboard!

The Chill Vibes Room is where we get creative or take a break from the noisier rooms. Our Study Room has been used to facilitate study groups. We’re still not sure what is hidden in the Tiny Basement, and during iso we took regular walks, out in the yarddd.

Here’s our discord link: FusionWS

We’ll need your parent/carer to fill out this permission slip before we can member you.

See you soon, less go!!!1

If you’re a parent and want to know more, you can contact us through the form below.

* In an effort to keep our programs safe, access to our Discord Server is restricted to young people we can identify with permission from Guardians we have contacted. Please feel free to request more information about Discord or how Fusion strive to keen young people safe.



Open 24/7


On our Fusion WS Discord server.




Contact us by registering below.

Tell me more about Fusion Online

7 + 2 =

Before commencing any Fusion program, young people and their families must complete the information record. This is a one-off form that gives us a bit of information about the young person joining our program. If you have further questions please include a comment in the applicable field above.

*Please note that all personal information will only be used for the primary purpose for which it is collected or in the limited circumstances set out in the Privacy Act. Information will be stored securely and will not be disclosed to others outside Fusion unless legally required to do so.