Fusion Western Sydney provide a variety of developmental and skill-based programs after school hours during the term, giving young people a chance to develop stronger relationships, build confidence, and strengthen life-skills.

Please register your interest using the contact form below or contact the youth team for more information on (02) 8805 5900.

colyton OUTREACH

Tuesday afternoons in Colyton the Fusion team take over Hope Christian Community Church to run games, activities and learning experiences during term time.

From 3 to 5pm every Tuesday you can find the team there, with a horde of young people, building a positive, community building space together.

Find out more and register here.


On Thursday afternoon at the Willmot Hub the Fusion team will be running activities and games from 3:30 – 5pm.

Our activities aim to develop knowledge, skills and character for positive life choices. Young people can gain mentoring and families can access support, information and referral.

Find out more and register here.


BYO runs each Friday afternoon at the Bidwill Square UC building from 3:30pm to 5pm. It is a safe and fun environment for local high school students at the end of the school week. The culture and program encourages laughter, participation, and teamwork.

The diverse and fun activities provide opportunity for young people to socialize within a safe and supervised setting. Each young person can access mentoring, information and referral as needed.

Find out more and register here.


Fusion Radio is a  free program for high school aged young people interested in learning about radio broadcasting. When you join the team you’ll research and present your own segments, be part of conversations about real topics, and learn about using media to make difference in your community.

This program gives young people a hands-on experience of what is involved in producing and presenting a radio show. The show broadcasts through community radio WOWFM 100.7 every Wednesday afternoon from 4 PM to 6 PM. 

Register here.


Peer Leadership Training is an 8- week program designed to raise young leaders with strong values of Justice, Mercy, Compassion, Industry and Respect. PLT draws out a young person’s a heart to serve and empower others through leadership training and practical applications. 

PLT is offered to young people who have taken part in our programs and shown potential for growth. The training delivers active and engaging content and provides young people with opportunities to develop those leadership skills in Fusion’s after school and community programs.

Interested in hearing more about Fusion’s After school programs?

We’d love to hear from you about ways we can help our young people to thrive in their communities. Please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can to discuss how we can help you or your family.

Tell me more about Fusion's After School Programs

6 + 8 =

*Before commencing any Fusion program, young people and their families must complete the information record. This is a one-off form that gives us a bit of information about the young person joining our program. If you have further questions please include a comment in the applicable field above.

Please note that all personal information will only be used for the primary purpose for which it is collected or in the limited circumstances set out in the Privacy Act. Information will be stored securely and will not be disclosed to others outside Fusion unless legally required to do so.